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Find the answers for the most frequently asked questions

How does Magic Dining Alert work?

Magic Dining Alerts searches 24/7 automatically and will send you notifications by email or text (based on your plan) when a reservation becomes available. To get notified, you need to create an alert for the restaurant. All bookings are made on Disney's website.

Am I guaranteed to get a reservation at the restaurant I want?

No, Magic Dining Alerts cannot guarantee that. We promise to use our service to check every few minutes for openings and notify you by email or text (based on your plan) when there is an opening. Even if you get the notification, another person may book that slot before you reserve it.

Will the Alert book my reservation?

No, the alert does not book a reservation. After you receive an alert, it is up to you to make the reservation.

How often will I receive alerts?

You will receive one alert by email and by text to up to 3 phone numbers (text is for paid plans only). On the paid plan, alerts auto-renew automatically. You can inactive any alert directly in your account. For free plans, all alerts are marked inactive once you are sent an alert. You will need to reactivate the alert to receive a new notification for that alert in the future.

How do I cancel my subscription on the paid plan?
Just contact us at support. Please include your email. Once an account is canceled, no pro-rated refunds and access to the paid plans terminate immediately. All your alerts will be marked inactive, and you need to activate any new alerts you want on the free plan.
I am a travel agent and I need more than 50 alerts. How can I do that?

Contact us at support and let us know how many alerts and we can let you know the price.

Are you affiliated with Disney?

No, we are not in any way affiliated with Disney. We try to improve everyone's stay at Disney World and Disneyland by giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the great restaurants across Disney World.

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